Saturday, August 31, 2019

Which Is More Important in Shaping Individual Identity: Social Structure or Social Interaction?

Social structure and social interaction are the building blocks of present life. The need for people to interact with each other is crucial and has always been the key action to survive and sustain existence. Sociologists now refer to this as socialisation, to establish the important components of living and a person’s social identity.Social structure is more important than social interaction in shaping individual social identity, the reason for this to have more importance in shaping someone’s social identity, is because without social structure there would be no social interaction both are important in discussing macrosociology (social structure) and microsociology (social interaction). Within social structure is class, status and institutions they will be expanded upon later in detail on the way they influence one social identity more then social interaction.Social identity is defined as a person’s acknowledgement of belonging to a certain social category or g roup where its members possess the same social identification and observe the surroundings with an individual perspective (Hogg & Abrams 1988, p. 7). To better understand social identity, Social structure needs to be explained, it is defined as the framework of society that was already laid out before we were born. Social structure refers to the typical patterns of a group, such as its usual relationships between men and women or students and teachers.The sociological significance of social structure is that it gives us direction to and sets limits on behaviour (Henslin, J. 2010, pp. 76 – 77). Social interaction is a significant part of life in society also a part of an individual’s social identity, it is the different ways that people interact with one another. Culture lays the broadest framework, while social class divides people according to income, education and occupational prestige. Each of us receives ascribed statuses at birth, that are involuntary that are inh erited and later achieved statuses are added.Our behaviours and orientations are further influenced by the roles we play, the groups to which we belong and our experiences with social institutions. These components of society work together to help maintain social order (Henslin, J. 2010, p. 76). To achieve social order all members of a society accept its moral values and their roles within it, complying to these norms is a way to maintain social order. Emile Durkhiem’s views were that rather than individual activities such as crime and religion causing certain behaviours, it was society as a whole Bessant & Watts, 2007 pp. 72 – 73). Showing that structure has more influence on a persons identity rather than their interactions within their class and statuses. Social Class is based on income, education and occupational prestige. Large numbers of people who have similar amounts of income and education and who work at jobs that are roughly comparable in prestige make up a social class. It is hard to overemphasise this aspect of social structure, for our social class influences not only our behaviours but even our ideas and attitudes (Henslin, J. 010, p. 78). There is four different structures that we can inherit at birth; wealthy upper class, middle class, working class and under class (Macionis & Plummer 1997). Karl Marx was the first to study class and it’s relationship to the functions of society and identity. Marx focused on how one class controlled and directed production, while the other classes were service providers or producers, whose efforts benefited the ruling or dominating class.Marx saw that human relationships and identity were a product of labour, and therefore shaped by it (Cox, 1998). An example of this is Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson being the controlling class and all his employees below him represent the other classes which all in turn benefits him. Social Status in sociology has been given two meanings. One refers to t he position that a person occupies in the social structure, such as teacher or priest.The other more specific meaning refers to the form of social stratification in which social positions are ranked and organised by legal, political and cultural criteria into status groups. These social positions may carry a great deal of prestige, as in the case of a judge or an astronaut, or it may bring little prestige as in the case as a grocery store worker or a waitress at the local pub. The status can also be looked down on as in the case of a homeless person, an ex-convict or a thief.Social status is a major shaping component of social identity status set all the statuses or positions that an individual occupies are generally all ascribed statuses that are inherited such as your race/ethnicity, sex and the social class of your parents as well yours statuses as female or male, daughter or son, niece or nephew. Our identity as ‘male’ or ‘female’ is one of the most bas ic aspects of our being. As Sigmund Freud observed a century ago, when you meet a person for the first time, the very first thing you notice about them is whether they are a man or woman (Bessant & Watts, 2007 p. 09). Social Institutions are the organised, usual or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs. Social institutions are the family, religion, education, economic, medicine, politics, law, science, the military and the mass media (Henslin, J. 2010, p. 81). They establish the context in which we live, shaping our behaviour and colouring our thoughts. Social institutions are so significant in shaping individual identity that is they were to change we would be different people, as they influence our orientations to the social world and the wider world itself.Much of the influence lies beyond our ordinary awareness. For example, because of our economic institution, it is common to work eight hours a day for five days every week. There is nothing normal or natural abou t this pattern, however. This rhythm is only an arbitrary arrangement for dividing work and leisure. Yet this one aspect of a single social institution has far-reaching effects. Not only does it also lays out a structure for their interaction with family and friends and for how they meet their personal needs (Henslin, J. 2010, p. 1). From this you can see that social identity is formed primarily by structure rather than interaction with individuals fitting into their institutions through their class and status showing the greater importance of social structure on shaping the social identity. Social identity is shaped through an individual’s journey in life within their social structure and social interaction, but this is not solely through inherited ascribed statuses, class and institutions also by the way a person socialises within the given environment.The inequalities of the worlds classes is shapes a person’s identity by the way they have had to behave due to their social structure limitations and well as the interactions with others of the same class and status, without this structure there would be no social interaction. This is why social structure is of a higher importance when it comes to shaping the identity of an individual. REFERENCE LIST Back, L. , Bennett, A. , Edles, L. ,Gibson, M. , Inglis, D. ,Jacobs, R. , Woodward, I 2012, Cultural Sociology: An Introduction, Wiley, ebook Bessant, J. amp; Watts, R. 2007, Sociology Australia, 3rd ed. , Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest Henslin, JM, Possamai, A, and Possamai-Indesedy, A 2011, Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest Hogg, M. A. & Abrams, D. 1988, Social Identifications A Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations and Group, Routledge, London Macionis, J. J. & Plummer, K. 2012, Sociology: A Global Introduction, 5th ed. , Pearson, Prentice Hall, New York Plummer, K 2010, Sociology: The Basics, Taylor and Francis, ebook

Friday, August 30, 2019

Common Assessment Framework Essay

The Common Assessment Framework has been developed as part of the Every Child Matters strategy. Every Child Matters: Change for children is a new approach to the well-being of children and young people from birth to age 19 and is the government’s response to the report into the death of Victoria Climbie – so that never again should a child ‘slip through the net’ and be put in the way of abuse, harm, neglect or, as in Victoria’s case, murder. This strategy is meant to encourage all the different agencies that work with and for children, to work together and share information.. It is not just designed to help children at risk of harm it is aimed at helping all children including those with a disability, a health problem or with special educational needs. The Common Assessment Framework gives a structure for recording information that a professional finds out in conversation with the child, young person and the family/carers. It will help professionals get staff from other services to help because they will recognise that the concern is based on evidence. There are three parts to the Common Assessment Framework. Part 1 is a pre-assessment checklist based on the 5 key outcomes of Every Child Matters: for children to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. The checklist will help to find out if a child is making the expected progress and to understand if he or she has any unmet needs in any area. Part 2 is the common assessment process. This gathers all the information needed to give an accurate picture of the child’s needs and strengths, and Part 3 is a standard form to give a consistent way of recording the discussion and outcomes and make it easier to share information. The CAF covers all needs, not just the needs that one service is most interested in. It is intended to be used by teachers and education professionals, health professionals and social work professionals so that they can work together more easily and effectively. Information will follow the child and build up a picture of an individual child’s needs over time and, where permission is given, information about a child can be shared. The CAF can be used at any age: on unborn babies, new babies, children or young people. It will be used when a professional is concerned about how well a child is progressing, if the child’s needs are not clear or if a common assessment would identify the needs and get other services to help meet them. The decision to do an assessment will be made jointly with parents and, if the child is old enough, with the child themselves.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour

Supporting Children and Young People's positive behaviour. 1. 2. Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people's behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting. Boundaries: These are the limits within which behaviour is acceptable or what may, and may not be done. Boundaries are there to guide children and young people's behaviour in the setting and it is very important for all staffs to consistently apply these boundaries fairly.Behaviour is learnt from what we see others do or say, so, it s very important for the staff to watch children closely and make sure that they apply the boundaries at all times. The importance of staffs applying the rules and boundaries are: It helps children and people to know what is right from wrong. For example, when a child knows what is right from wrong, or what is acceptable and what is not, then they will be able to do the right thing mos t of the time.If they know jumping is not allowed in the setting then they are going to behave accordingly. If all staff applies the boundaries and rules of their settings, then children will not feel hey are being misled. For example, one staff says they can bring snacks to school and another staff says they are not allowed to bring snacks. If this happens, a child will get confused and feel misled by one of the staff. It enables all the staff to be consistent in their approach in dealing with behaviour issues.For example, if there is no consistency in staff applying the boundaries and rules then there will be chaos in the setting, and this will not help positive behaviour in children. But if there is consistency then every child in the setting will know that no matter whom they go to n the setting, they will always get one answer. The importance of all staff being fair, and consistent are: It helps children to develop a sense of responsibility for their own actions and encourages them to think about the consequences of their behaviour.For example, the rule says no running in the corridor and staff keep reminding children about it all the time then, when a child runs in the corridor the others will tell him or her no running, and he or she will know that if they run, they will fall and when they fall, they will hurt themselves. So, they know what will happen when they disobey. It ensures that the school rules are enforced and children behave in a responsible manner.For instance, when staffs are consistent in applying the rules then there will be order in the settings and the promotion of good behaviour. Children will also know what the rules and boundaries are and therefore behave accordingly. It ensures that all children are treated fairly by staff applying the equal opportunity procedures. For example, when two children behave inappropriately, they both must receive the same sanction, one should not be favoured over the other. When two hildren fght, you hav e to listen to both sides and be fair in your Judgement.Some children behave inappropriately all the time but they must not be victimized in situations but rather listened to and treated tairly as other children It helps children with unwanted behaviour to improve and behave positively. For instance, if a child likes to pinch other children and all the staffs apply the rules consistently, that child is bound to change from that unwanted behaviour to positive behaviour. How to set fair rules and boundaries: Setting realistic rules for the setting; For example, ensuring the set rules are ppropriate for age and stage of development.For instance, setting a rule for one to two years that says, â€Å"No crying for toys or You must share,† that is not realistic based on their age and level of understanding. By involving the children in setting the rules and boundaries. If the children are involved in the rule setting then they will apply it because they will always remember and obey it. If everybody agrees on the set rules and boundaries. This means they understand what they are agreeing to so therefore, they can live by it and when others are behaving inappropriately, they will let them know it is unacceptable behaviour.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

World's religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

World's religions - Essay Example While Christianity uses specific ways that may not necessarily work for everyone. It looks at four paths to the goal. The first one is way to God through love. The strongest emotion that crowds human heart is love. The bhakti-yoga seeks to direct people to God’s love that is in every human heart. Through this, the Indians are able to know the Supreme Being. The same Bhakti principles have been incorporated into Christianity. This path talks about loving God in fact not just claiming to love God (Smith 1-3). The next path to God is through work. This can be explained using the karma yoga. Karma yoga involves achieving perfection in one’s action. Work keeps people occupied. In Christianity, lazy people are often criticized while in Hinduism it states that one does not have to retire work so as to realize God. Realizing God can be done in our everyday activities. The other path is through psychophysical exercises. This is explained by Raja yoga, which is yoga for the mind. It involves claiming the mind to concentrate on one point. Hinduism shows there is a connection between science and God. In conclusion, what the Hinduism tries to bring out is seeking God is not a complex thing. It shows us we can seek God in our day to day activities. It goes ahead to show how we can realize Gods will in all areas. All in all, the same concepts are applied to

Murrah case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Murrah case study - Essay Example This system includes training, planning and coordination efforts among the community members. Because the trainings and meetings are regular, which is on a monthly basis and the informal consultations are done on a more frequent basis, the local members have gained the preparedness through the good flow of communication. The city of Oklahoma has ensured preparedness by developing an all-hazards response capability, which is aimed to train, plan and coordinate efforts in any disaster that will come to the city. By first being prepared, the people concerned would have known what to do when a thing happens. The preparedness of the city includes engaging all the concerned parties at the planning phase. Because the people who are concerned are involved in developing ideas, then coordinating them to others who play a role in the system, the concerned parties have a feel of how the flow of communication will be even when during the incident. These people include firefighters, police officers, public health officers, urban search and rescue teams, engineers, public work officials, military personnel and hospital and other medical care providers. These people also have developed strong working relationships with people of the local media who helped communicate the information to the public. The ‘drafting and competing of local and state disaster response plans’ are part of the preparation. The integration of these plans through communication has proven vital when the real disaster has occurred. The strong working relationship proves to be a vital element in the communication flow of the system during the incident. Because people have developed a strong relationship during the preparations for disasters, the flow of communication was easier and smoother, which lead to the success in the interoperability in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Software and Internet Industry in the Global Economy Assignment - 1

Software and Internet Industry in the Global Economy - Assignment Example In the internet industry players like Yahoo, and Bing has majority of market share, especially in search engine segment. Companies like SAP, Oracle, Sage, AG, etc are the successful players in the industry who provide business process solutions in production, marketing, finance, etc (Blythe, 2009). The political and legal factors are the external environmental factors which have a significant impact on the computer software and internet industry. The political factors ascertain the interest or focus of the government towards outsourcing information technology (IT) assistance, software, etc. This also affects the job opportunities and national income. The multinational software and internet companies operate from various countries, and regulations are developed for these companies by the government based on the existing legal framework. These are also known as cyber regulations. Companies failing to abide by the cyber guideline of different countries have also faced penalties like the cancellation of their license to trade in the respective country (Factor, 2013). Google faced pressure from the Department of Justice in order to abandon their search terms, and censor the search results from the Government of China. Apart from this, the demand of the government to abide by the privacy policies were also considered and in 2008, Google started responding to the concerns of the customers by adding a link to the home page that will directly take them to the privacy center and show Google’s policies for privacy and security. The political trend affects the subsidies, tax holiday, or rule relaxations, which also affect the sources of revenue generation for a country. Countries like India outsource maximum IT services for countries like US, UK, or Australia (Google, 2013).Google Inc considers mergers and accusations to be one of the ways to sustain in business. In this process, they purchase DoubleClick for $3.1 billion in 2007 and were also looking forward to buying out SimplyHired (Jackson, 2012).  

Monday, August 26, 2019

STATS Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

STATS - Statistics Project Example The author of this article, titled â€Å"The CDC Conspiracy† has genuinely tried to conduct some media analysis on this subject. Commenting on Brain Hooker’s paper that covered the facts about this topic, the article is critical about its coverage as the paper never bothered to look into the reviews of other media publications like The Washington Post, The New York Times or The Los Angels Times. This provides evidence that Hooker had certain interest to suppress some useful critical statistical data, as claimed by a researcher on the subject and later in a story published in Hooker’s paper by William Thompson. Although CNN tried to present information from two opposite sides, this report also added to confusion of the interested readers. With the background of a senior CDC scientist, who turned a whistle blower: a senior CDC researcher supported the allegation that important data was held-back, intentionally.(Butterworth, 2015) The analysis of this article also throws some light on the media rivalry, which often results in pinpointing each other’s mistakes. However, A few impartial researchers like Rebecca Goldin will always be there, helping anxious readers to reach an impartial

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Econometrics Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Econometrics - Speech or Presentation Example On the other hand, democratically elected governments due to the aspect of resource distribution may end up distributing among the various interested parties and fail to invest in road network or may have the need to transfer the burden to future governments. To get the motivation for the study, the author refers mostly to what other writers have said about the subject matter. Literature review forms a good foundation for any scientific paper if it is to acquire the required scientific rigor. Further, citations are a confidence boosting phenomena employed to capture the reader’s attention rather than appearing like a one man show which may not have much influence once the results/findings are made ready. The use of data from authoritative sources like the UN is another technique of motivating the hypothesis for the study. Research done shows that using information from a source which is often seen as an authority is important for any research study. From equation 1, ‘P’ is the share of the paved roads in poor condition, ‘Dem’ is an index of democracy for any country while ‘X’ are the other variables (additional explanatory variables) which may be of affect the road quality in a certain country. The share of the paved roads in poor condition is the dependent variable while democratic index and X are the independent variables. The share of the paved roads in poor condition is determined by how the country is democratically and other variables which include temperatures, growth etc. The coefficient ÃŽ ³ shows the amount of chance anticipated on the share of the paved roads in poor condition once a country’s democratic index increases or decreases by a unit. The coefficient can either be a negative or positive depending on the data. Î’ shows the impact of any other factor holding all the other factors constant. The coefficient of determination, R-squared show the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Health Information Confidentiality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Information Confidentiality - Assignment Example In addition, through implementing breach notification requirements, patients protect their identity if a breach occurs (Hebda & Czar, 2013). The benefits of collecting the confidential data of patients are more than the risks. It is important for the health care providers to conduct a review of the appropriate utilization and protection to ensure that patient data is protected (Davies & Collins, 2006). Improved technology and the current development of security software have made it possible for health care organizations to protect the private data of their patients and reduce the risk of data breaching. The major purpose of HITECH in to develop a nationwide electronic health records network that would allow for proper linking of health care professionals in ensuring quality health care for all citizens. The Act aims at promoting investment into information technology and thus promotes safety, quality health care, and efficiency in health management (Davies & Collins, 2006). The new HITECH notification requirements include notification of patients in the occurrence of an unsecured breach. In case the breach has an impact on more than 500 individuals, then there is need for the HHS to be aware (Institute of Medicine, 2009). Such notification will allow for automatic posting of the name of the entity that is carrying out the breach on the HHS website. The local media also have to be notified considering various conditions. These requirements are greatly effective in ensuring that the patients are kept up to date of any breach and that the involved entities are brought to book. This allows for timely counteraction of a breach and securing of patient data. The use of portable PHI could result in HIPAA violation involving the breaching of individual private data. Portable devices such as mobile phones store data on the devices, either in the SIM card, memory card, or

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing and Public Relations for Music and Media Essay

Marketing and Public Relations for Music and Media - Essay Example On the basis of research an appropriate marketing strategy comprised of guerrilla marketing tactics. The paper would also analyse the impact of demographics, supply chain and distributors towards influencing the business prospects and viability of the band. Based on this research an appropriate product mix would be formulated with a detailed financial analysis of the financial outcomes of the strategy. Finally a set of plausible recommendations would be framed that would serve to summarise the findings of the study and suggest certain strategies for the music band so as to make it popular among the target audience and establish a brand name and favourably position itself in the highly competitive market. General Overview In present competitive world, the role of marketing has become more prominent and a key success fact for the competing companies. With development of modern business concept, the there also have been significant improvements in the marketing practices. The process of drafting an efficient marketing plan includes a number of tasks, and the most important aspect in this process is that the marketers always aim to follow a customer centric of customer focused marketing plan. The target customers can also be defined as the target audience. The primary objective of marketing plan is to deliver the predefined message to the target audience. The process of delivering g message to the relevant and potential target audience is known as communicational marketing. Communication is an integral part of marketing mix that must be designed effectively with by considering a number of factors like public relation, advertising, effective campaign message, and target audience etc (Trehan and Trehan, 2010, p.17). This paper will attempt to present a comprehensive promotional marketing plan for promoting music and media through an effective communication process. This promotional marketing plan basically strives to develop a campaign plan for promoting a brand imag e of rock-music band. In meet this task, multiple marketing models, tools and theories will be used by focusing the target audience. The band is UK-based and hence, this promotional plan will focus on UK market. The product of this band is basically its music which will be distributed through CDs and online download. Therefore, in order to promote the music specific target markets will be identified and defined. Marketing Strategy Overview In the age of high competition it has become very essential for business organizations to develop a marketing strategy that effectively communicates its product or services among the members of the target audience such that the consumers are aware of the product and are able to distinguish between the product and services offered by the competitors in the market. Music bands also face the same situations as there are a large number of such players in the market. The marketing strategies of the bands must largely include a comprehensive framework c omprised of a step wise plan that includes

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Volvo Car Coporation Essay Example for Free

Volvo Car Coporation Essay Volvo Car Corporation is rewriting the rulebook on how the cars in the future will look with the 3CC prototype being unveiled to the public for the first time at the Michelin Challenge Bibendum in Shanghai, October 12-14, 2004. From the outside, the Volvo 3CC has an iconic funky-cool tapered shape designed to make a dynamic statement that nonetheless is unmistakably Volvo. Under the hood is an electric powertrain that quietly propels the Volvo 3CC to a governed top speed of over 135 km/h (85 mph) and delivers zero to 100 km/h (62 mph) acceleration in approximately ten seconds – with zero emissions! Just 3899 mm (153. 5 in. ) long, 1624 mm (64 in. ) wide and 1321 mm (52 in. ) high, the Volvo 3CC has dimensions similar to a classic 2-seater sports car – but that is where similarities end. For the sporty vehicle packs a surprise: a unique two-plus-one configuration, providing seating for two adults in the front and a unique rear seat solution for an additional adult or two children. This 3-seat configuration provides a unique experience with regards to the occupants communication, unprecedented rear occupants comfort and all-around visibility for all passengers. With the Volvo 3CC, Volvo Cars is pioneering a new way of looking at mobility so future generations can enjoy the same freedoms the car has given my generation. We believe it is necessary to show new ways to reduce pollution and congestion,† says Lars Erik Lundin, Vice President General Manager of the Volvo Monitoring and Concept Center VMCC. The Volvo 3CC is the brainchild of the designers, engineers and business people at the Volvo Monitoring and Concept Center think-tank in California. Their task was to create a `future-proof concept? that would enhance sustainable mobility. A car not only fuel-efficient, versatile, comfortable, and safe, but also exciting to drive and look at. â€Å"We want to connect in a positive way with consumers so that they say ‘I want to be seen in this car’,† Lars Erik Lundin explains. â€Å"We want to add emotional value to people’s lives by offering an environmentally compatible car that appeals to all the senses, and which people want to drive. † Despite its compactness, the Volvo 3CC has been designed to feel spacious through organic lines, and light colors. Inside, the fixed eye plane ergonomics and low profile A-pillar create a sense of openness aided by three transparent panels in the roof. As the doors open by swinging upwards, a floating dash panel slides forward to ease ingress and egress. A unique sliding seat system also assists ingress and egress to the rear seat. The pedals also adjust for individual requirements. But Volvo Car Corporations aim was not just to make the 3CC look good – they also wanted to deliver on overall sustainable mobility goals by providing excellent efficiency. Volvo has achieved this objective through good aerodynamics on a compact footprint, lightweight body materials, and an electric powertrain.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Typography and Persuasive Essay Essay Example for Free

Typography and Persuasive Essay Essay A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or against it? D. Composing your three page persuasive essay: 1. Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Topic sentence B. Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Restate your main point B. Leave the reader with something to think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and, most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all.   People Depend Too Much on Computers and Technology A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or against it? D. Composing your three page persuasive essay: 1. Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Topic sentence B. Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Restate your main point B. Leave the reader with something to think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and, most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all.  People Depend Too Much on Computers and Technology A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or against it? D. Composing your three page persuasive essay: 1. Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Topic sentence B. Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Restate your main point B. Leave the reader with something to think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and, most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect of  our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all.  People Depend Too Much on Computers and Technology

Applications of Natural Science to Social Science

Applications of Natural Science to Social Science What can social science learn from natural science? Like all social sciences, the field of international relations attempts to provide both theoretical and practical insights into human behavior through the application of scientific principles. The inherent difficulty in social sciences, however, is just that – the attempt to provide insight into human behavior, which is notoriously resistant to attempts at predicting it through the means of logic. The personal relationship between the social scientist and the subject matter s/he studies, vs. and the natural scientist and the matter being studied tends to differ by virtue of both ideology and subjectivity; the natural scientist is bound, ethically, to conform his or her beliefs to the evidence gleaned from scientific method. Often, however, the ethical boundaries in the social sciences are less clear and more subject to the personal biases of the person doing the studying; the beliefs or theories are often used to tailor the evidence. The studied objectivity expected of the nat ural scientist is well-suited to the abstract or the impersonal elements of study; objectivity becomes more difficult to sustain when the inherently subjective matters of human behavior come into play in such social sciences as international relations. Given the often national or global human consequences of the application of theories of international relations, is it possible to remain neutral? Natural scientists believe that their work is ethically neutral. To be sure, their work can be put to good and bad uses, but this presumably reflects on the users rather than on the content of the science itself. The relationship between social science and the values of the social scientist seems far more immediate and direct than this, and this alleged contrast has been the subject for continuing discussion and debate†¦ Our observations of the social world seem even more coloured by the theory we employ than is the case in the natural sciences. (Ruben, 1998) Within the field of international relations, the aforementioned debate manifests itself in the competition between positivist and post-positivist theories. Positivist theories operate under the conviction that the principles of study as applied in the natural sciences, i.e. scientific method, and the analysis of quantifiable, measurable, and repeatable evidence, are applicable, valid, and valuable in the field of international relations. Positivist theories hold that the behavior of nation-states and the individuals who influence the policies of nation-states can be observed, studied, predicted, and reliably understood through the application of those theories. Examples of positivist international relations theories include liberalism, realism, neo-liberalism, and neo-realism (which we shall discuss in a moment). Post-positivist theories, such as social constructivism or international society theories, reject the notion that social systems, such as those in international relations, c an be studied in an objective manner that is free of value judgments. Scientific method, to adherents of post-positivist theories, is of little use in the field of international relations and those of this school of thought believe that ethics and other normative value concepts must be always be an inherent component of international relations studies. What exactly are the tenets of the scientific method, and how can they be usefully applied to social sciences such as international relations? In brief, the scientific method relies on the developing and testing of hypotheses designed to explain phenomena, in this case human phenomena, the behavior of nation-states. The studies are designed to test the hypotheses in a variety of different situations, tested by controlled experiments, the variables of which are carefully controlled and monitored by experts trained and qualified in the field of study. The evidence gathered by the studies is freely shared with other scientists for use in their own work, and theories that fail to hold up under rigorous examination must be discarded, modified, and/or updated without regard to personal attachment or subjective opinions. What is most difficult about the application of scientific method to the social sciences is the difficulty in maintaining consistency and reliability within controlled experiment situations. The ideal location for controlled experiments is, of course, a laboratory where scientists can carefully control any and all variables which might affect the outcome of the study and hence undermine or support the theory or hypothesis being tested. Human behavior is rarely confined to laboratory settings, however, and what is true about human behavior in this regard is even more true when it comes to collective human behavior, i.e., the behavior of nation-states. Further compounding the difficulty in maintaining controlled experiment environments with respect to international relations is that on the macrocosmic level of the world stage, the variables affecting the behavior of nation-states are not only numerous but their causal relationships are not always clear, linear, or even logical to an ob server, even if trained. There is little room for sentimental attachment to theories that fail to predict or solve international relations problems such as war or genocide, and to the extent that difficulty in adherence to scientific method leaves room for the dangerous influence of personal subjectivity, creative ways to maximize rigid application of scientific theory to international relations is key to the usefulness of positivist theories. One of the fundamental scientific theories underpinning most positivist international relations theories is a concept known as rational choice theory. (Rational choice theory is not unique or native to international relations; indeed, it is widely used in other social sciences such as economics and sociology.) Rational choice theory holds, on a basic level, that human beings generally use reason and rational processes to achieve a desired end or ends that they may seek at any given point in time – instrumental reason, in other words. Individuals, whether they be literal single human beings, or nation-states, who operate within the paradigm of rational choice theory are known as rational actors. Noted political theorists Shapiro and Green (1994) offered their analysis of how rational choice theory manifests itself in the context of international relations by identifying four elemental characteristics: 1) Rational actors employ the concept of utility maximization, which means th at where there are a variety of options for a rational actor to achieve its goals, it will choose the option calculated to have the maximum potential to improve its welfare; 2) The rational actor possesses the ability to evaluate the possible consequences of selecting any one of its various options to improve its welfare and prioritize the appeal of said options; 3) rational choice theory is at its core a theory of individual behavior, and though international relations is largely the study of groups of individuals who comprise the rational actors which populate the world stage, rational choice theory assumes and depends on the pre-eminence of the individual; and 4) rational choice theory is universally applicable. Rational choice theory in international relations is also closely related to rational choice theory in economics, insofar as economics describes the competition for allocation of finite resources,and in international relations, the competition between rational actors for those resources as they seek to improve their welfare and achieve their various goals. The two chief positivist manifestations of rational choice theory in international relations, then, are liberalism and realism, the former holding that nation-states are inherently predisposed to cooperate because of the self-evident futility of war, and the latter holding the opposite, that cooperation between nation-states is merely an incidental function of states seeking maximize their respective welfares and that the behavior of nation-states must always be seen through a prism which presupposes a primacy of self-interest among rational actors. The realist school of thought has largely predominated in the field of international relations for several decades, though it has been heavily criticized by those who believe realism is devoid of necessary ethical and moral compasses required to identify times when rational actors may not behave quite so rationally, thereby incurring human suffering. Realist international relations are heavily dependent upon multinational, multilateral go verning bodies such as NATO, the United Nations, etc., and individual nation-states’ adherence to the norms proscribed by membership in these types of institutions. Clearly, however, common sense provides us with numerous examples where both rational choice theory and realism have failed to accurately predict irrational behavior by nation-states and/or their leaders, and thus failed to predict and alleviate human suffering. Critiques of rational choice theory and realism point to the Holocaust, genocide in Sudan, Saddam Hussein’s attack on Kuwait, etc., as recent and painful examples of the failure of an over-dependency on theoretical models to predict complex human behavior. Realist international relations paradigms successfully guided the world through the Cold War without an additional conflict along the scale of World Wars I and II, however, so they cannot be held to be meritless. The application of scientific method to international relations is in part a function of necessity rather than any proof that the interactions of nation-states are easily describable by unassailably accurate theories; in short, attempts to analyze human behavior on a global scale, however imperfect, is a far preferable modus operandi than simply guessing as to why nation-states behave as they do. The stakes are simply too high – human lives, human welfare, for example for ad hoc guesswork to be the de facto methodology of international relations. An acknowledgement of the limitations of scientific method as applied in the social sciences is as important as its very application. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ruben, David-Hillel. (1998). â€Å"Social science, philosophy of,† In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Available from: Coleman, J. S. and Ferrero, M. (1992) Rational Choice Theory: Advocacy and  Critique. London: Sage Green, D.P. and Shapiro, I. (1994) Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science. New Haven: Yale University Press. Shepsle, K. A. and Bonchek, M. S. (1997) Analyzing Politics. London: Norton.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Design of Taipei 101 Essay -- Structural Design

Stiffness and comfort (steel outrigger trusses) The 101 story building, 500 meters high Taipei 101 is located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei 101 is the pride and identity of the people of Taiwan. The building represents â€Å"concept of striving for beyond perfection† (Taipei 101 anon 2005) as it outsmarts nature with its technological features. 101 building achieved a remarkable world record for the highest building in 2004 with 101 floors hence the name Taipei 101. Designing and building the 101 building was very challenging and rewarding, as it is located in one of the most hostile places in the world. The tall building is located in Taiwan, which is constantly under attack by Mother Nature, earthquake potential and typhoon winds are just common problem which the architect, C. Y. Lee & Partners, and the structural engineers Thornton Tomasetti Inc needed to solve. The engineers of the Taipei 101 made the impossible possible (Shieh et al n.d). The initial plan was to make three building with 60 storeys building in centre, but t he 60 building soon turned into 101 storey single tower building to meet investor’s demand. In order to be the most unique skyscraper in the world Taipei 101 building represents its culture (Taipei 101 Binder, 2008). In this part of the essay we are going to investigate about how is stiffness and comfort maintained in Taipei 101, we’ll be looking in depth some of the features of Taipei 101 that work together to provide stiffness and comfort. Firstly we will be looking at the stiffness and then move on to comfort features. How is Stiffness and comfort maintained by Taipei 101? To provide comfort the 101 building has to deal against the nature. Taipei 101 is located in a hazard prone environment. Typhoon and ... ...tlUvYTVMMmicsorE9tDlv1VgdZWCJDAKPfx3AOTuaIEUkm4piLesN_8NVrM131TbT8wyyRQ_0MIcIx7yVN5ho3D9NbHoZjiAx477&sig=AHIEtbQNaZZ1eKBA82LxMn_p6RZZMKxmvA&pli=1 (accessed 3.4.11) †¢ Anon. what are steel moment frames? (N.d). [online]. Available from: (accessed 03.04.11) †¢ Brooks. C., Huff .I. The effect of high altitude or relative humidity. (2006). [online] available from: (Accessed: 03.04.11). †¢ Anon, Taipei 101 expected to receive LEED platinum certification( 2010).[online]. Available from: (accessed 03.04.11). †¢ Mizuguchi.h., nakagwa.t. and fujita.y. breaking the 1000mom barrier. (2005). [online]. Available from: (accessed 03.04.11)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cellular Phones :: Mobile Cell Cellular Telephones Phones Essays

Cellular Phones Cellular phones are a phenomenon that has engulfed people in the nineties. They have become a common occurrence whether you are waiting in line at the super market or in a movie theatre. One professor at Murray State University said, â€Å"Many students are carrying them, I had a student get a call in the middle of a test last semester.† Although many people have accepted the thought of carrying a telephone wherever they go, others have not taken the onslaught of cell phones quite so easily. Cell phones have become part of everyday life, and with the dramatic changes that have been made, there is no sign of their existence diminishing. Today, cellular service is available in all 306 Metropolitan Statistical Areas across the country and all of the 428 Rural Service Areas. Cellular phones carry a diverse group of users. In June 1985, there were about 203,000 cellular phone service subscribers. By June 1989, the number had exploded to 2.7 million subscribers, and by June 1995 there were mire than 26 million subscribers. When cell phones were first introduce, only people with a lot of money had them and the service was very expensive. It was a lot cheaper to stop and use the pay phone than it was to use a cell phone. Now, it is almost as cheap to use a cell phone to make a long distance call as it is to make a long distance call using AT&T. Long distance calling has become a vast market of sales and bribery. A majority of cell phone users have a long distance plan with there cellular package. A lot of college students have cell phones just to make long distance calls home to their friends and family. Depending on the time of day, a person in Fayetteville, Arkansas can call a person in Dallas, Texas for as little as 9 cents a minute. That is very cheap for that type of telephone call. Why have Americans become so attached to cellular phones? Is it convenience, or just the way a person feels driving down the road talking to someone. There is no way to tell. I think it is very important to look at the reason Americans buy and use cellular phones. In a survey taken in 1996, Southwestern Bell Cellular asked 5,000 of its users to fill out a survey.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Epic Theatres :: essays research papers

Epic Theatres "Epic Theatre turns the spectator into an observer, but arouses his capacity for action, forces him to take decisions...the spectator stands outside, studies." (Bertolt Brecht. Brecht on Theatre. New York:Hill & Yang, 1964. p37) The concept of â€Å"epic theatre† was brought to life by German playwright, Bertolt Brecht. This direction of theatre was inspired by Brecht's Marxist political beliefs. It was somewhat of a political platform for his ideologies. Epic theatre is the assimilation of education through entertainment and is the antithesis of Stanislavsky's Realism and also Expressionism. Brecht believed that, unlike epic theatre, Expressionism and Realism were incapable of exposing human nature and so had no educational value. He conjectured that his form of theatre was capable of provoking a change in society. Brecht's intention was to encourage the audience to ponder, with critical detachment, the moral dilemmas presented before them. In order to analyse and evaluate the action occurring on stage, Brecht believed that the audience must not allow itself to become emotionally involved in the story. Rather they should, through a series of anti-illusive devices, feel alienated from it. The effect of this deliberate exclusion makes it difficult for the audience to empathise with the characters and their predicament. Thus, they could study the play's social or political message and not the actual events being performed on stage. This process is called Verfremdungseffekt, or the alienation effect, where instead of identifying with the characters, the audience is reminded that they are watching only a portrayal of reality. Several well-known Brechtian plays include Drums in the Night, Edward 2, The Threepenny Opera, Rise and Fall of the Town of Mahoganny, The Life of Galileo, The Good Person of Szechwan, Triple-A Plowed Under, One-Third of a Nation, Mother Courage and her children and the Caucasian Chalk Circle. A play whose dramatic structure and didactic purposes epitomises epic theatre is The Caucasian Chalk Circle (CCC). The prologue of this play transpires in a Caucasian village of the Soviet Union, where the people of this village are being presented a play called â€Å"The Chalk Circle†. This play is narrated by a â€Å" Singer† and embarks on the story of a servant girl, Grusha, who rescues the governor's son when their city falls under siege. The son, Michael, has been left behind, without so much as a backward glance, by his fleeing mother. Grusha escapes, with Michael in her arms, to the mountains where they live for over a year. Along this journey, countless places and people are encountered, a number that would only occur in epic theatre. In truly epic fashion, the play then regresses to the beginning of the story and

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Adolf Hitler Caused World War II Essay

As I’m sure most people know Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Germans from August 2 1934 to April 30 1945, but do you know that as Fuhrer of Germany he was the driving force behind the start of WWII. During his reign he tried to bring Germany back to the powerful country it had been before the First World War. In this paper I will prove that Hitler’s actions lead to start of WWII, and I plan to prove how his direct disregard of the Treaty of Versailles pushed the world into WWII. I will begin with a little background on Hitler and what led him to become the Fuhrer of Germany. Hitler was a member of the German army during the First World War and, according to (Kershaw, 2008) after being temporarily blinded from a mustard gas bomb he was sent to Pasewalk, it was there that Hitler learned of the German defeat in WWI. After the war Hitler and the German people held a grudge against the United States and Europe for the passing of the Treaty of Versailles, which stated that Germany was the cause of the war. The Treaty also forced the German people to pay for the damage done during the war. This pushed Germany into a depression that left millions of people without work. This was the first of many reasons that Hitler secretly wished to conquer the European countries of Britain and France. In January of 1933 Hitler was named chancellor of Germany and this marked the beginning of his reign over a country that was in hardship. Hitler began his reign by urging President Hindenburg to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree, which would suspend basic rights and allow detention without a trial. Then after the election on March 6, 1933 Hitler brought the Enabling Act to a vote, and by using the Reichstag Fire Decree was able to garner the two thirds majority vote needed to pass the bill which then gave Hitler full legislative power. By doing this Hitler showed that he would do anything to assume the role of leader. This was just another step that was unknowingly leading Germany to war. Then in 1934 according to (Kershaw, 2008) Hitler executed the â€Å"Night of the Long Knives† which was the capture and killing of the entire SA leadership. Then a month later President Hindenburg died, which made Hitler the head of state. This allowed him to control all aspects of Germany, and also allowed him to start rebuilding the military forces that had been ordered to disband with the passing of the Treaty of Versailles. This was probably the biggest step thus far that would send Germany to war yet again. Along with that he had personally taken over as leader of the military when Werner von Blomberg had openly told Hitler that he disagreed with him about having the military ready to go to war as soon as 1938. (Shire, 1960) Over the next few months he had stripped 16 generals and had 44 more transferred because they were believed to not be sufficiently pro-Nazi. On February 3, 1933 during a meeting with German military leaders Hitler said his foreign policy was the conquest of Eastern Europe (Weinberg, 1970), also in 1933 Germany withdrew from the League of Nations, which should have been a warning sign that they were planning something big. This along with the increase of the Wehrmacht (German Army) to 600,000 should have thrown up some red flags to Britain and France that Hitler was up to no go. This was another of Hitler’s direct violations of the Versailles Treaty, yet no one stopped him, instead they let him continue untouched. Then in March of 1936 Germany reoccupied the Rhineland. They also declared an Axis with Italy in 1936. Then in 1937 Germany signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan, yet another red flag. If not for the wounds of WWI still fresh in the hearts and minds of the British and American people I think we might have been able to avert the Second World War. As Hitler continued to grow the military of Germany, and expand their borders back to pre WWI he was slowly pushing the west into action. Hitler did not believe that his army could be defeated and he continued his expansion by annexing Austria in 1938. After that his next goal was to take over Czechoslovakia, but he was met with some force over this one. Czech had signed a treaty with Russia, and Britain and France both said they would defend Czech from the German forces. This angered Hitler, but he knew he could not overwhelm the forces of four different countries, so instead they all met and signed the Munich Pact( which allowed Germany to take 50% of Czechoslovakia and leave the other hale untouched. While Hitler was reluctant he agreed, and then after signing the pact he turned around and annexed the rest of Czech. Hitler knew that he was taking a chance by annexing Czechoslovakia, but he believed that if he could take control of Czech he could use their land as a frontline to attack Russia, because he believed that Communism was wrong, and the only way to stop them was by invading and making them part of Germany. Basically Hitler believed that he could take over the entire continent and force them into Nazism. This was a cause for much concern, but it wasn’t until 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland that the declaration of war was made official. In conclusion I believe that all of the actions Hitler took from the start of his reign as chancellor up through his being appointed Fuhrer forced the western European countries to declare war upon Germany and their allies. I believe that if Hitler did not have dreams of world domination and riding the world of all Jews that maybe Germany might have avoided the Second World War, but as we all now know that is not the case. Instead Hitler thought that he had built an unstoppable army, and if not for Japan bombing Pearl Harbor Germany might have even won the war. References 1. Hitler, Adolf (1999) [1925]. Mein Kampf. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 2. Kershaw, Ian (2008). Hitler: A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 3. Shirer, William L. (1960). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon & Schuster 4. Weinberg, Gerhard (1970). The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany Diplomatic Revolution in Europe 1933–1936. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Unhealthy Lifestyle

CAUSES OF UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the major contributor to health issue which is growing at an alarming rate issue in whole world as well. People influence their own health through their unhealthy lifestyles such as unhealthy diet,alcohol assumption and smoking and poor sleep hygiene. One of the critical causes is having an unhealthy diet. There is no doubt that the food that we eat significantly impact our health. The surge in the consumption of high fat foods can lead to compromised health and excessive weight.An unbalanced diet ensures the body can't gets the essential nutrients it needs to protects the body from certain diseases. In addition,alcohol consumption and smoking are the sources that lead to unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking is a harmful lifestyle as it seriously affect our health. In fact, Smoking may cause addict and hard to eliminate the habit . Too much intake of alcohol is not advisable. Drinking can be a slippery slope, as excessive drinkin g can cause problems in virtually every area of a person’s life.Futhermore,poor sleep hygiene is also major causes of unhealthy lifetyle which a large fraction of teenagers are involved in . Teenagers mostly spend their time staying in front of the computer all night long without sleeping. Slowly, they will mess up their time which is the opposite way and so even skip their breakfast . This situation clearly alert us that poor sleep hygiene will seriously affect our health . Unhealthy lifestyle of many today leads to poor health. Prevent is better than cure. As early as possible, we have to live a healthy lifestyle . (276 words)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Better Business Bureau Essay

The BBB was created to establish an environment of trust between buyers & sellers. This trust is created through the BBB’s â€Å"standards of trust†. Companies that abide by these standards in turn receive accreditation. As a not for profit, the BBB relies on funds from sponsors and members. Up until recent, the BBB seemed to have offered special benefits to those that paid a fee to become members. Such accusations have caused the BBB to address their current system and make changes to ensure fairness amoung members and non-members. 1)Who is the BBB’s most important stakeholder, business or consumers? ->The most important stakeholder for the BBB is the consumer. Yes, businesses provide the resources for the BBB, but they only do this to create a positive image for their brand in the eyes of consumers. If the consumers did not care about the ratings of the BBB then businesses would not invest. 2)Do you think the BBB can truly be impartial given its financial dependence on business? ->No the BBB can’t be impartial. There needs to be a reason for companies to invest in the BBB. If the treatment of non-members were truly the same as members, then the company will give companies little reason to invest. 3)What actions can you take to make sure the â€Å"pay for play† scheme did not happen again? ->The main issue with the â€Å"pay for play† scheme was the fact that those who sold first year memberships received a 45 percent commission. This type of reward system is very similar to the AIG system that caused problems within their company. ->The BBB should implement a new reward system. Maybe a system that provides rewards based on the pitching of memberships to potential business. Employees should be rewarded regardless of if the sale goes through or not.

Book Review: Every Day by David Levithan Essay

â€Å"I am a drifter, and as lonely as that can be, it is also remarkably freeing. I will never define myself in terms of anyone else. I will never feel the pressure of peers or the burden of parental expectation. I can view everyone as pieces of a whole, and focus on the whole, not the pieces. I have learned how to observe, far better than most people observe. I am not blinded by the past or motivated by the future. I focus on the present, because that’s where I am destined to live.†(pg.7) Every day, A wakes up in a new body: different race, different size, different gender†¦ A is not defined by any of these characteristics and tries to respect the host body as much as possible during the time spent in it. Then A, in the body of Justin, meets Rhiannon and everything changes. A feels a connection that has never happened before and A can’t let go of that feeling. From then on, each day as someone new, A and Rhiannon form a bond that gives a new meaning to love without restriction. David Levithan brilliantly brought real feelings into a imposable sounding book. A and Rhiannon have real chemistry; their love is not based on gender, race, or size. Every Day is the type of book that will stick with me and I’m thankful that David Levithan came up with such an ambitious concept. With his beautiful writing, I can only hope that it will open the eyes of people who may have a more restricted definition of what makes love true.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd”

† [pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the â€Å"Lucas† Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire â€Å"Dunlop†. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision â€Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. † 03. Mission Statement 1. †¢ Increase volume value share 2. †¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. †¢ Increase product portfolio 4. †¢ Strength distribution network 5. †¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. †¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahim   | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year† | |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora† – the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy† | |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for data  communication, launched  in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the â€Å"Ashden Award† for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators   limited | |2009 |Rahimafrooz   launched  multi  brand  consumer  electronics  outlet  UREKA   | |2009   |Rahimafrooz   launched world renowned consumer electronics brand  Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given below†¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]  Ã‚   [pic]  Ã‚  Ã‚  [pic] Asia’s Best Brand  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Asia’s Best Employer  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C FE,  CSR  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CMO Award 2010  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     CMO Award 2010  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Award 2008 [pic]  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [pic]  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [pic] Brand Leadership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ashden Award  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   National Export Trophy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Award 2008  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Award 2006  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: †¢Print Media †¢Broadcast media †¢Outdoor Media †¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford of  the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firm’s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. ———————– MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd† † [pic] Founder Late A. C. Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A. D. as a trading company. Late A. C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954 it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz expanded rapidly into various trading items. Within 5 years, Mr. Rahim was able to enter into a joint venture with Lucas (UK) to set up a modern automotive battery factory. He acquired the principal company Lucas Service Ltd in 1980 which is now known as Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. Apart from business, he engaged himself in benevolent activities. All through his life he was respected for his values and caring attitude. After a few years he left that job and ventured into a small partnership business. During early 1940s, he got active in commercial trading of scarce items and gained valuable experience. In 1947, he decided to move to Chittagong to live in an environment of religious freedom. pic] Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was started in business agreement with world famous England battery company Lucas from 1959. Later on, they established an ultramodern battery production factory in Nakhalpara Tejgaon, Dhaka with the â€Å"Lucas† Brand name. Then from 1980 it got license from the England Lucas Company collaborating technological and inf ormation support. He passed away on the 14th March 1982 in London leaving behind his dream, Rahimafrooz. At present Rahimafrooz has been producing and marketing various kinds of batteries like automotive battery, storage battery etc. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. lso has been marketing world famous tire â€Å"Dunlop†. Now Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is involved with various kinds of production distribution and agency ship business. 02. Vision â€Å"To be leader in each market segment by being the most preferred supply source of quality products and services with high degree of customer delight. † 03. Mission Statement 1. †¢ Increase volume value share 2. †¢ Reduce per unit distribution cost 3. †¢ Increase product portfolio 4. †¢ Strength distribution network 5. †¢ Ensure quality people with high level commitment 6. †¢ Benchmark customer services. 04. Milestones |1954 |Incorporated by Mr. A. C. Abdur Rahim   | |1959 |Distributorship of Lucas Battery | |1978 |Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre | |1980 |Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK | |1985 |First producer of industrial battery | |1985 |Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP | |1992 |First ever battery exports to Singapore | |1993 |Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System | |1994 |Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd and launched Excel Retreads. |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year† | |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora† – the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy† | |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution p rovider for data  communication, launched  in joint | | |venture with Flora Telecom | |2004 |Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy | |2004 |The Group celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 15, with a renewed, enhanced commitment to being successful | | |while upholding its core values | |2006 |Received the â€Å"Ashden Award† for Sustainable Energy | |2009 |Established Rahimafrooz Globatt Limited and Rahimafrooz Accumulators   limited | |2009 |Rahimafrooz   launched  multi  brand  consumer  electronics  outlet  UREKA   | |2009   |Rahimafrooz   launched world renowned consumer electronics brand  Daewoo | |2010 |Rahimafrooz Inaugurates its biggest and most modern warehouse at Hemayatpur, Savar. | 05. Product Service Products: Rahimafrooz mainly deals with electronics products like (TV, FRIEDGE, IPS, BATTERY, TYRE, LUBRICANTS etc). The brands that Rahimafrooz launch are given below†¦ [pic] Service: Rahimafrooz Ba ngladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The complaints are also solved and handle from here. [pic] 06. Organization chart [pic] 07. Awards Achievements [pic]  Ã‚   [pic]  Ã‚  Ã‚  [pic] Asia’s Best Brand  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Asia’s Best Employer  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C FE,  CSR  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CMO Award 2010  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     CMO Award 2010  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Award 2008 [pic]  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [pic]  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [pic] Brand Leadership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ashden Award  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   National Export Trophy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Award 2008  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Award 2006  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Award 2001-2002 08. Delivery Network The manufacturer and wholesaler must decide how to distribute their products. Working through the whole sellers, dealers or agents generally is easiest way of entering in the market. Whole sellers and dealers consider about cost and traffic flow, commission before keeping a product in the store. Location is less a concern for products or services that customers are willing to go out of their way to find. 08. 1: Dealers They are the authorized vendor who deals with the specific brand. (John M. Rathmell, Manager of the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 2: Retailers Traditional: Home to home, general stores, single line stores, specialty shops, department stores, catalog retailers, planned shopping centers The Mass Marketers: Supermarkets and discount houses (John M. Rathmell, Managing the Marketing Function. John Wiley Sons, Inc. ) 08. 3: Wholesalers Definition: Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments who sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users. But who do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers. But in the tyre market, the wholesaler serves the purpose of the retailer at the same time. Functions from the producer perspective: provide part of selling Four strategies can be produced through the tows matrix. SO strategy represents internal strength to take advantage with the external environment. WO strategy represents the internal weakness and to overcome that weakness by the external opportunity. ST strategy represents the strength of the company and to over come that the threat by the strength. WT strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weakness and avoiding external threats. 09. Advertising Promotion [pic] Rahimafrooz Company limited carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and convincing message about the organization and its products. [pic]Rahimafrooz is using all kinds of promotional afford including: †¢Print Media †¢Broadcast media †¢Outdoor Media †¢Internet Websites Rahimafrooz is using huge promotional afford in print media. This is the biggest promotional afford of  the company. They are giving advertisement on the news paper, they are also publishing there own newsletter service through by them. [pic] [pic] Promotion, in its broadest sense, provides extra incentives for any group that is an important factor in the marketing of a brand. It is most often directed to the consumer or to the trade or other influential group. It is used to encourage sales or purchase a product. (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 1: TRADE SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES Push Policy emphasizes promotions focused on the next intermediary. Trade sales promotion techniques-stimulate wholesalers and retailers to carry products and to market them aggressively. Producers use sales promotion techniques to encourage resellers to carry their products and to promote them more effectively. 09. 2: TYPES OF SALES PROMOTIONS Samples (offer consumer for trail), Coupon (certificate that gives buyer savings), Cash refund (Refund money who send a proof of purchase), Price pack (Reduce price marked by producer), Patronage reward (reward for regular use), Discounts (direct reduction of price), Allowance (money offered to the seller to feature the manufactures product) (Principal of marketing 8th edition Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong) 09. 3: PREMIUM ITEMS OFFER Offer free or at minimum cost as a bonus. Use to attract competitors customers, different sizes of established products. Study identified from the net that Burger King with the Lion King movie was offered few years back in USA. 10. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in your situational analysis. Assessing your firm’s strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting a venture. 10. 1: Strength o High company reputation. o Enable to provide much more customer satisfaction than competitors. o Higher product quality. o Provide higher service quality. o Distribution effectiveness is better than the others. o Strong management team enables to provide geographical coverage. o Able to launch a new product faster than the competitor o Financial position is much more stable than the other. 10. 2: Weakness o The major weakness of Rahimafrooz is the internal conflict of the management. Working sprit sometimes hampered by management conflict of the organization. o Though Rahimafrooz has a very good team for the marketing plan, but not all the people are experienced. o Communication barrier is the major weakness of the organization. o Expectation of the top management is very high. Sometimes they set very high target which is not achievable at all time. Sometimes it becomes burden for the employee. 10. 3: Opportunity o To get new customers after modification. o To provide more qualities in products. o Providing more benefit for products to increase more customer satisfaction. o Increasing the advertisement. o Increasing the distribution channel. Incentive for the employee who dose outstanding performance in their respective area. 10. 4: Threat o Major threat arises from the new entrants. o Many competitors in the electronic market. o Unethical competition. Such as, price cut, advertising, giving gift by the competitor may threaten position of Unilever. o Following th e same strategy by the competitors. o Worsening law and order situation of the country. o Availability of the substitute product in the market. ———————– MANAGING DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER REGIONAL MANAGER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MARKETING MANAGER CHIEF OPERATION OFFICER PRODUCT MANAGER ADMIN MGR C F MANAGER NI SYSTEM DIRET SALE RETAIL MGR

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Parenting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Parenting - Essay Example Nancy talks about different gadgets that help parents make sure that they are protecting their children from danger but since our children know about technology a lot more than parents, thus these gadgets are of no big use. Our children will always know how to escape the security fences that we will build around them. After this, Nancy states that our kids will start cheating us if we will act as if we do not trust them. Nancy ends her article ironically praising how her daughter tells everything to Facebook which she would never have told her mother. In my opinion, parents must restrict themselves from being extra careful about their kids if they really want them to survive in this harsh world. The hard conditions and circumstances life offers later in life take its toll on those persons who have been brought up extra pampered. This is called the â€Å"pampered child syndrome†. For example, when a child gets his parents’ attention all the time, he will grow up into a confused and dependent sort of personality when he will not find his parents’ love to the same extent due to other siblings or unfortunate circumstances. Technology has provided a lot of security tools and gadgets to the parents which Nancy has also talked about in her article. Yet, in my opinion although children might know how to escape those, yet they are quite helpful tools in making sure that the children are safe. This is not about extra-pampering; instead, this is about taking care of your kid sensibly. Children might know how to escape all restrictions but parents must play their part. I agree that children are bigger gurus than their parents in the field of technology, and this is what has made them put trust in social networking sites more than their parents. I remember myself calling my friends late at night because my mother did not like my using the phone. This is all a part of growing up. Our parents might have done the same sort of things in their

Monday, August 12, 2019

What is the impact of empowerment on the factors of organizational Essay

What is the impact of empowerment on the factors of organizational behavior in five star hotels in the USA - Essay Example Empowerment has become a global trend and only those hotels which properly empower their employees will succeed. Research carried out by, Wagner Iii, John A. (1994) found the following as impacts of empowerment: †¢Meaning †¢Results †¢Challenge and an opportunity to learn †¢Respect and recognition †¢Freedom at work †¢Affiliation. According to Betttencons, Lance E. A and Steven W.Brown (1978), empowerment in USA hotels has been implemented to some degree of success in some states. In a subsequent study on New York hotels, Fasa (1995) critically analyzed how empowerment can drive businesses to excel. In his findings he came up with three important levels of empowerment in organizations: employee-employer relations, employee – customer relations as well as the employee-job. Empowerment and Organization behavior. In a study conducted on empowerment in Canada, Whitener, Ellen M. (2000. p 234) observed that: â€Å"Workers are empowered through giving them authority and responsibility to make decisions affecting their work with a minimum of interference and second guessing by managers.† Role of employee empowerment Hotels depend on employee interactions with customers to earn business. Whether a hotel is going to continue attracting customers or not depends very much on how its employees interact with customers. Therefore, customer perception on an organization is very much dependent on behavior of the workers .It can therefore be argued that, the behavior of employees working in hotels must constantly be assessed and modeled to ensure that it reflect the hotels standard and mission.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

DISSERTATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DISSERTATION - Essay Example Online shopping takes the experience of shopping to altogether a new dimension and helps in improving the necessary services given to the consumers as well as the vendors and also helps in managing all the required information of the payments of the customers, receipt of products of the new customers, their product and updating of all the necessary credentials. The primary features of the online shopping helps in providing business accuracy, flexibility of design and readiness of accessibility (Gay, Charlesworth, & Esen, 2007, p. 173). Today internet is an increasingly popular medium of shopping due to its shopping convenience. This research paper focuses on this subject because of its growing relevance among the young generation. The behavior of the consumers in shopping is highly essential for the businesses in tracking the discrete preferences and engineers their strategies for focusing on the key requirements of the consumers. Various factors stand in the way of influencing the behavior of the consumers. From the standpoint of Warner, various external influences which affect the consumer’s behavior are demographics, socio-economics, technology and public policy; culture; subculture; reference groups; and marketing. Within the domain of internal influences, attitudes, learning, perception, motivation as well as self image and semiotics are various psychological attributes affecting the consumer behavior in online shopping. From the studies of a scholar called Sheth, it can be also found that the consumers are predominated by mainly two types of motives which are basically functional as well as non functional. It is a common agenda that people in today’s world have drastically changed their shopping patterns and there has been application of various strategies by the companies towards positioning their products in systematic and successful manner. The marketing managers while strategizing optimal marketing plans and concentrating on the four

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Personal Development and Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Personal Development and Careers - Essay Example The process of learning leads to acquiring of knowledge. Learning is commonly defined as the process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one's knowledge, skills, values, and world views (Illeris, 2000; Ormorod, 1995)’.Learning process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. There are various Learning Theories which explore the process of learning. A learning theory is attempts to describe how people and animals learn; thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. Thus, through this process permanent change in the behavior and pattern is observed. The change, which comes through learning, is permanent in the sense that it improves one’s performance in his/her field. Learning theories have two main functions. According to the definition by Hill (2002). â€Å"One is providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for interpr eting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions.† David Kolb’s, a pioneer in the field of learning, developed a model, which he published in the year 1984.Through this model was originated the Kolb’s Experimental Learning Theory. This theory establishes four stage-learning styles which can also be called the Training Cycle. In this four-stage cycle of learning, â€Å"immediate or concrete experiences provide a basis for observations and reflections. These observations and reflections are assimilated and distilled into abstract concepts producing new implications for action that can be actively tested in turn creating new experiences†. Through the entire cycle of learning, the learner touches the basis, that is, a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking , and acting. Immediate and concrete experiences lead to observations and reflections, these reflections are then absorbed or assimilated as abstract concepts which in turn help in creation of new processes. Thus, Kolb’s categorizes learners into four types according to his definition. Convergers, Diverger, Assimilator and Accommodator. A learning process must accomplish all these four responses. Convergers are characterized by abstract conceptualization and active experimentation; they are good at practical application of ideas and proficient at deductive reasoning. Divergers are reflective in observation and they are imaginative. They have concrete ideas. Assimilators are capable of crafting theoretical models by means of inductive reasoning and Accommodators are good at actively engaging with the world. Kolb’s learning style methods are acknowledged by the academicians, teachers, managers and trainers. This model has helped people in learning and understanding human behaviour. Another model of learning is Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory Model that offers simple and accessible methods to understand and explain people preferred ways to learn and develop. It is a classic model to understand and teach many aspects of human behaviour and intelligence, learning style and personality. It is also a widely accepted model in the field of academics and industry though developed initially for psychology. In simple terms this theory is based on cognitive perspective. Gardner discovered seven

Nurse practitioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nurse practitioner - Essay Example within the present structure of the available health services mainly in order to facilitate their journey within the healthcare continuum (Sweet, 2005). Nurse practitioners have responded to this social and political need and professional challenge through expansion of the scopes of their practice with action, plan, and rigor. As a result in today’s changing contexts, this professional role has literally evolved into development of skills and expansion of scope of practice so this category of service providers can provide efficient, safe, comprehensive, and accessible care to the patients and the communities (Ashington Audit Group., 2004). Before going into the critical examination of the conditions of this development and its social and political contexts, it would be prudent to define a nurse practitioner. According to Australian Nurse Practitioners Association, nurse practitioners are senior clinical nurses within their specialty of choice with a Masters of equivalent degree and registered with the state nursing boards (Redshaw and Harvey, 2001). Professionally they are experienced with high level of skills suitable for different healthcare settings. The political motive for this role is to support the existing system of patient care while at the same time improving access of people to care that may be adequate or even better for certain clinical conditions. In the Australian context, the nurse practitioners are able to cater to the health needs of the population independently through their clinical skills and are able to meet the health needs of the population at the given level through their ability to recognize the holistic health needs in the context of their environments. In any way, this provision is not designed to provide care that is does not fulfill the competency standards of healthcare delivery. They provide services with accountability within this extended scope of practice in conformity with the evidence that nurse practitioners are quite able

Friday, August 9, 2019

Human resorces Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human resorces - Case Study Example Considering myself in the place of Joan, as director of scientific computing, I need to take Fred into confidence that I won’t let him down in my next appraisal recommendation for yearly hike. The difference in the salary would be compensated by offering a better yearly appraisal in salary to Fred than it would be offered to Bob. It would certainly reduce the difference and from there onwards, both the employees would be advised not to share their salary details, as it would tantamount to breach of the contract with the company. The bank needs to provide the related documents of the white employee who has not been reporting for work the same duration of time as has been on leave Ruth Wittman. The bank would also have to provide details of the white worker who was permitted to go outside the bank compound to verify the causes offered by the white employee for taking a break from the working hours so that the bank could prove the genuineness on its part by not permitting Ruth for the same. The bank also needs to provide the record of the employee who was not given heavy packets of checks for processing to prove that white employee was attending the training program and the training period of that white employee was yet to finish. If I were the EEOC District Director, I would take a decision in support of Ruth Wittman. My explanation for such a decision would be based on the issues highlighted by Ruth, indicating the practice of racial discrimination by the manager. Ruth gave three arguments, wherein she has stated color as the cause of giving Ruth a rough and biased treatment by the bank. The concerned bank did not present the specific records before the EEOC District Director to prove its argument; in stead the bank preferred to give reference of the policy and procedure and ignored the need to present some hard evidence against the blame of Ruth. Jack Otto should bring it to the notice of Bob Hill by calling him in his cabin and